a spa for the minds of working mothers - work out the kinks with Sam, a certified career and life coach


You need space to think

You know that feeling when you’re in the sea or a pool and you tip your head back into the water and you can simply float? How peaceful and calm it feels. all you can see is the sky.

To get that feeling you have to tip your head back. That’s not always a comfortable feeling to start with.

I will support you to tip your head back and float - to take the steps you need to take to reach the calm, clear, confident place you want to get to. Even if those steps are a little uncomfortable to lean into at first.

Do you have an idea or plan that you’ve not put into action? A niggle that something needs to change? Or perhaps you feel that confidence is holding you back?

Or perhaps it’s your team who need to work through their thinking.

Whatever it is that you want to feel clearer, calmer and more confident about, I can help create the thinking space needed to get you there.

point of view image looking down at two pairs of feet with the text "passion led us" written in block capitals on the floor

“Sam helped me to not only identify my strengths in my current role, but also to clarify my thoughts on future career and study options”

— Sinead, communications adviser

“At the end of each of our session I would always have more clarity.

Sam is a wonderful coach and I am very grateful that I have the chance to be her coachee.”

— Stavrini, Museologist

a collection of items on a desk - an open notebook, stapler, selotape, glasses, a candle and a scarf

“Every time I feel inadequate and I feel like I have not done a good job of something, I still hear her say: “but what is the evidence for that?” and I realise I am not under-performing at all!”

— Sophia, lawyer

Coaching with Sam

Step one - free discovery call

We meet. Usually on Google Meet or in person if you’re local to Herne Bay, Kent.

This is a chance for you to get to know me, experience a little coaching, ask any questions and decide if I’m the right coach for you.

Step two - contracting

You choose your package of coaching sessions, sign your contract (all online - no paper forms), and you book your first session using Calendly.

I’ll be available over email if you’ve any questions.

Step three - your first session

In the discovery call we would have talked a bit about your goals for the coaching. In this first session we’ll get into them in more depth so you have a really clear picture of where you want to get to, why, and what will be different.

Step four - coaching package

Unless we’re just working together for a one-off session, we’ll usually meet fortnightly for 60-90 minutes.

Between sessions I’ll be available over email for any questions.

We may also agree on specific work you’re going to do between sessions to build on what we’re working on in sessions together.

Step five - wrapping up

In our final session together I’ll support you to reflect on the work you’ve done throughout the coaching.

I keep notes as we go so I can help you see from an external perspective what might have changed or where you’ve made progress.

I’ll also make sure that you have a plan in place for ongoing accountability now the coaching is ending.

Step six - after coaching finishes

As a client my doors are always open for one-off sessions - one previous client likes to call them a ‘top-up’ :)

I often offer these sessions at a discount for returning clients, as well as offering new products and services for testing at a reduced rate.

What topics can I bring to coaching?

Career development

You know you want something different or something more, but perhaps you’re not sure exactly what or how to get there?

Or perhaps you’re planning a job hunt and looking to make sure you’re well prepared to apply, interview and choose your next role.

I will support you to find, and get hired into, the right role for you, right now.

Return to work

You’ve taken some time out from formal employment for your family or perhaps for illness and now you’re about to start the transition back.

Or perhaps you’ve recently returned but it’s all still feeling a bit messy.

I will support you through the transition back to the workplace using tried and tested coaching methods to get you feeling comfortable and confident at a pace that suits you.

Work/life coaching

Whatever you’re struggling with - work/life ‘balance’ (we can talk about what’s possible!), perfectionism, people pleasing, feeling like an impostor, working parent life - coaching provides the space to see these challenges from a different angle and make some progress.

Some clients like to start with fortnightly coaching and then move onto monthly check-ins. Some people find a one-off deep dive really helpful.

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